Sunday, August 22, 2010

Step- 1: How to start the first conversation?

First conversation with her
All right here we start with the first step on our way to impressing girls and the art of deception and manipulation. Remember that looks here are not important. So incase you have feeling that you are ugly have no fear as girls don’t judge much by looks.

How many times have we hoped to have a chance to talk to the girl of our dreams? But never had the nerve to start the conversation. How many times have we seen a girl daily but other than a passive look we have not been able to earn anything more? So our first step is for those poor souls.

“Ogling at a girl will not do any good, but a well timed and well placed look can make all the difference.”
  • The holding look
    Did you know that best looking, part of your body is your eyes whether you are a gal or a guy. No matter how bad you look, your eyes are as beautiful as you want it to be.

    Yes the first step to get the attention of the particular girl is to make an eye contact. The look should be long enough to differentiate it from a passive glance but at the same time not a stare. As we know Indian girls are very careful in respect to strangers and so any direct advance early will make them go into defensive. Which is the last thing will we would want to do. So let us go into the details of the ‘look’.

    The look should be for about 5-10 seconds (not longer), directly into her eyes. Don’t get panicky if you both make eye contact. Just act cool. Keep the look for maybe 6 seconds then look at someone whom you know or are talking to. Avoid looking down right after the ‘glance‘. You can have the holding look while walking, standing or sitting. But care should be taken that you don’t turn back and stare at her as this is unfriendly. Any time you have to turn your head for more than 90 degrees on any side from looking straight is a reverse glance. This should be avoided. Specially during the first few days. Also it is better to avoid all sorts of facial expressions the first few days. Try this for a week. See if there are any changes in the way she looks at you.
  • The Smile
    After a week you can include a slight smile with your look. As in the case of looks, smile too must be timed. It must not be a grin or a smirk. Just a light happy face first then you can move up as days pass on. Timing should be first you look, then you recognize then smile. Look away after 6 seconds while smiling. But as soon as you have looked away stop smiling. You don’t want to look like an idiot in front of her. This is just showing recognition. This is necessary to break her defense against strangers. You have to properly notice her reaction the first time you give her a smile of yours. If she shows detachment repeat the looks part again.

    Ok, now I hope that you have got the looks and smile in place. I will call the step a success if she too returns your smile. So if you have earned her smile, here comes the third step of our ice breaker.
  • The First Talk
    Oh yes! You will talk to her. Don’t worry, nothing much. You just have to wish her ’Good Morning’ or something of that sort. It is better to avoid hello as it necessarily doesn’t convey anything. But a Good Morning is much better as it sound somewhat official. This again is just a suggestion. . This is to reassure her that you are fine and she need not worry about you or your advances.
  • The Conversation
    If things have been going fine during the above steps, you are ready to go for the kill. The Actual conversation. You can start with a hello, something more informal as compared to the earlier Good Morning stuff. Then move on to something that is happening and interesting. You can say a sentence and then based on her response ask her a question which cannot be answered in a mono syllable. This will help in keeping the conversation moving. But if you think she is not interested in talking, just think that the day is not good. There are many other days which can be utilized. So don't be disheartened.

    During the course of time I have faced some very interesting situation. One is that no matter what you do, the girl will not make an eye contact. One way I approached such girls was I made situations where they had to look at me. Like dropping the kerchief or something like that near her. And asking if she can pick it for you. Then when she looks at you give her one of your killer smiles.

    In case you have any queries or an unique situation, please let me know. I will do my best to provide you with a prompt response...

    Happy dating...


How to impress a girl? Only very few in this world will be there who have not thought of it again and again. If you do a 'Google' search you will find loads and loads of sites dealing with the topic of impressing girls. But most of them deal with dating, parties and stuff which are not much prevalent in India. So one needs to find methods which are necessarily Indian. Again the steps mentioned in those sites are not the best for Indian women. Though there is no hard and fast rule as each girl is different. They have their individuality and identity leading to specific traits but there are certain common traits which we can exploit.

This is where this blog can help you. Here you will have step by step procedure on how you can proceed with impressing your dream girl. There will be posts from ice- breaking to love making. But this blog does not stress upon finding true love. This is mainly dedicated to go in step by step process over the ways to achieve the objective. This is for those guys who are branded as uninteresting and who have been so far doomed to live a life without the colours of a love life. It will also be useful for those poor souls who are doomed to remain a a great 'friend' for ever. You can change it. You can change yourself and your life if you set your mind to it. You can push the bar higher, what about dating multiple girls at the same time? Interested? Of course you can do that. The only thing you require is trust in yourself and confidence. You can be a 'Casanova'. The best lover in the world. (Alright I exaggerated, this time). But jokes apart you are an asset and methods listed here and to develop you as a whole rather than just explaining how to 'get laid'. 

Even if you are looking for a long term and true relation, the methods listed here might help you get an additional advantage. There is manipulation and deception here but as you know anything is fair in love and war. And this my dear is love if not war.

But there is a warning. Though you can have multiple relations at the same time. It is strongly adviced that you take special care to maintain privacy of each relation from the other. Also more than four relations same time is also not adviced as each relation requires your time.

The steps I will be explaining here are based on my personal experience and of my near and dear ones. So I am not guaranteeing anything but these steps have been tried and tested and the discretion is yours.

But incase you have chosen to follow the steps outlined in here. My advice would be to do it sincerely and not cheat in it. There is no scope for half hearted interest. You will need to put your 100% to it. I have done my best to post methods which does not clash with ones daily activities but incase of clash I again advice you for your sound decisions. So that is all for now... Happy dating